Zero tolerance

Zero tolerance for abusive or aggressive behaviour towards CEHL employees 

CEHL is a rental provider committed to providing excellent service to its renters. 

CEHL must also provide our employees with a psychologically and physically safe workplace. The wellbeing of our team members is paramount. CEHL has zero tolerance for intimidating, abusive, threatening or aggressive language or behaviour towards our team or anyone in our workplace. 

Our team will always treat you with courtesy and respect. In return, if you are working with our team members, we ask you to treat them the same way. 

Anyone renter who verbally or physically intimidates, abuses or threatens any member of our team, in person, in writing or over the telephone, will be provided with a first and final written warning advising that the behaviour will not be tolerated. 

Any future violation may result in CEHL having to decline to work directly with the renter, in person or over the phone. Interaction will be limited to written communication.

What is co-op housing?

A housing co-operative is a community of people who work together to meet their housing needs.