CEHL is Australia's largest co-op housing provider, with over 2000 properties managed by 90+ housing co-operatives across Victoria. Co-op housing offers an alternative to private rental and home ownership by providing secure, long-term tenancies at affordable rents within supportive communities. The co-op members manage their housing, an approach that promotes self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity, and unity.

The facts

Properties owned across Victoria
Different local government areas
Property portfolio
$ 0 b
of properties are head leased to 97 housing co-ops
0 %
of properties are leased directly to renters, most as affordable housing
0 %
year CEHL was established
of CEHL households earn $40,000 a year or less
0 %
earn over $80,000
0 %
of renters pay market rent based on their income
0 %
of our renters pay rent assessed on 25% of their gross income
0 %
occupancy rate and less than 10% of tenancies change over in any one year
0 %
average length of tenancies in years
What is co-operative housing?
How do I apply for co-operative housing?
Seven co-op

Being in a housing co-op is about ...