Transfer to VicWide Program Policy

This policy sets out the circumstances and criteria that CEHL considers when a renter applies to have tenancy transferred from a co-op to VicWide
Transfer Applications by Current Program Participants Program Policy

This policy states how existing Program Participants can apply to be considered for a transfer to another co-op within the Program. This policy states that these applications will be considered in a fair, consistent and transparent manner.
Death of a Renter Program Policy

When a renter within the Program passes away, the tenancy is finalised in a sensitive, fair, and consistent manner. The Death of a Renter policy and procedure outlines the responsibilities of the residential rental provider (landlord).
Bedroom Allocation Program Policy

This Policy sets out how bedrooms are allocated to households when a new tenancy starts.
Every new tenancy is based on the current needs and composition of the household. Bedroom allocations aim to ensure that co-ops can respond to changing needs, make best use of housing stock and ensure affordability and financial sustainability.