Rent Arrears Program Policy
This policy is to ensure that rents are managed fairly, consistently, proactively. This policy states that rent arrears will be found early and managed effectively to support renters’ tenancies. By managing rent arrears CEHL Co-operative Housing Program viability is maintained.
Property Allocations to co-ops Procedure
This procedure states the process that CEHL and its member co-ops will follow when a property allocation opportunity arises. This procedure also states how CEHL will make a property allocation decision following an Expression of Interest (EOI) sent by member co-ops.
Program Complaints and Appeals Program Policy
This policy sets out how renters and prospective renters can supply feedback, make a complaint, or lodge an appeal against a decision, or the delivery of a service provided by CEHL and/or its member co-op.
Leave of Occupancy by the Renter Policy
This policy explains how the rental provider will consider a renter’s application to leave their rental property for a period without the renter being at risk of losing their tenancy.