Complaints & Feedback

CEHL encourages members, renters and prospective members to provide feedback – good and bad! Feedback includes compliments, suggestions, concerns and issues you wish to raise with CEHL. Feedback helps us understand what we are doing well and allows us to address and action improvement areas.  

How to provide feedback:

Who can provide feedback? 

Anyone has a right to express their positive opinion or dissatisfaction about CEHL services, standards, practices, people or policies. You can provide feedback yourself, or you can have someone advocate on your behalf.  

When you have feedback about a co-op, getting in touch with the co-op directly is a good place to start to see if they can resolve your problem first. They will also be delighted to receive any positive feedback. 

Negative feedback and complaints 

  • Negative feedback is when you would like to express your opinion to CEHL, but you do not require us to respond.   
  • A complaint is when you would like someone to follow up and take some form of action on your opinion. 

Negative feedback or complaints are when someone tells CEHL they are dissatisfied with CEHL’s services, standards, practices or policies. It could be about CEHL and something we have or have not done. Negative feedback or complaints may be about a decision, policy, service, or person that is CEHL’s responsibility. A person may include a CEHL employee or third-party contractors.  

Your privacy  

Your feedback and any information you provide will be handled in accordance with the Privacy Act 1998 (Commonwealth). Please see CEHL’s Privacy Policy.

What happens once CEHL receives your complaint? 

Once CEHL has received your complaint, you will receive an acknowledgment within two business days, plus postage time for direct letters.  

You will receive a response to your complaint within 30 days. We will inform you if this timeline cannot be met.  

If you are satisfied with the outcome, we will close the feedback.  

If you are dissatisfied with the outcome: 

  1. You can ask for a review of the decision/outcome within 30 days of receiving the reply from the Managing Director of CEHL or their delegate. Information on how to do this will be provided in the response.  
  2. If the complaint relates to CEHL’s performance as a registered housing agency or if your matter has been unresolved after 30 days, you can contact the Housing Registrar Victoria by calling 03 7005 8984 or  
  3. If the complaint relates to requirements under the Residential Tenancies Act, you can contact VCAT by calling 03 9628 9800 or  


What is co-op housing?

A housing co-operative is a community of people who work together to meet their housing needs.