Fitted for Work
A not-for-profit organisation dedicated to helping women experiencing disadvantage to get meaningful work and keep it. They prepare women for work through a range of services that provides practical skills and knowledge including developing a resume, presentation skills and interview techniques.
Safe Steps
Safe Steps assists women and their children experiencing family violence through 24/7 phone and specialist support services
South Eastern Centre Against Sexual Assault – CASA
CASA provides provides a free counselling and support service to people who have experienced sexual assault either recently or in the past. The service is also available to non-offending family and friends. CASA’s counsellors are trauma specialists with degrees in psychology, social work or counselling.
Wire – Women’s Information and Referral Exchange
The Women’s Information and Referral Exchange is run by women and provides free general information, support and referral services for women, non-binary and gender diverse people in Victoria
Womens Legal Service Victoria
Women’s Legal Service Victoria provides is staffed by female lawyers that provide free legal services to women experiencing particular disadvantage to address legal issues arising from relationship breakdown or violence