Co-op Treasurer’s Toolkit

The key purpose of a Treasurer is to administer the financial affairs of the co-op. Treasurers complete this role in conjunction with other directors and with input from co-op members so that the co-op’s financial health can be positively sustained. 

A Treasurer’s key responsibilities include: 

  • ensuring the co-op has an appropriate bank account/s with up-to-date authorised signatories recorded at the bank for each account 
  • paying accounts as they fall due 
  • budgeting using Circuit Programme 
  • preparing financial reports through the Circuit Programme 
  • liaising with the Maintenance Director regularly to plan forthcoming maintenance expenditure 
  • overseeing the collection of rents (the role of Rents Officer is often held by another person) – the finance director has overall responsibility 
  • ensuring there is an established process to manage rent arrears 
  • investing agreed sums, if possible, to generate interest 
  • meeting compliance obligations of ACNC, CAV, ATO, VHR and CEHL.

Handy resources for co-op Treasurers