CEHL’s Direct Rental Services

CEHL manages all rental provider duties for direct renters, including VicWide renters (former co-op members), following the Residential Tenancies Act.

Tenancy management includes:

Establishing new tenancies and processing vacating tenancies by:

  • conducting sign-up appointments to inform renters of their rights and responsibilities
  • setting up and finalising rent accounts
  • ensuring renter maintenance responsibilities are met
  • resolving tenancy agreement breaches
  • taking legal action if necessary

Managing ongoing tenancies by:

  • maintaining tenancy records
  • conducting annual property inspections
  • assessing and following up on complaints
  • referring renters to support services when needed to sustain the tenancy

Managing rent arrears by:

  • weekly monitoring of rent payments
  • initiating VCAT action to recover rent arrears

Managing property vacancies

General Inspections Information Handbook

As a rental provider, CEHL inspect properties internally and externally to ensure renter obligations are being met. Under the Residential Tenancy Act 1997, a renters obligations are:

  • ‘a renter must avoid damage to premises or common area’, and
  • ‘a renter must keep the rented premises clean’.  

CEHL has created this handy guide to help renters prepare for inspections. 

What is co-op housing?

A housing co-operative is a community of people who work together to meet their housing needs.