What is a housing co-operative?

Co-ops are run by members, for members.

What is a housing co-op?

A housing co-operative (housing co-op) is a community of people who voluntarily work together to meet their common need for affordable and sustainable housing.

Members live in separate dwellings but actively participate in the management and running of the housing co-op as a whole, with opportunities for all members to participate in the co-op, according to their capacity and ability, and enjoy the many benefits this type of housing offers.

Common features

Each housing co-operative is slightly different, but they all share the following features.

  • Their primary aim is to provide affordable and secure housing to their members.
  • They are managed by their members.
  • All members have equal rights and responsibilities in their management and operation.
  • They operate according to the rules of the co-operative.

Co-operative rental housing

  • Co-operative rental housing is a community-led form of social housing where the housing is run by the people who live in it. Co-operatives provide community housing in the way that people want to live, they can ‘rent like they own’.
  • Simply put, people like to live in housing co-operatives. Many people will choose to stay in their co-operative through various life changes. There is an intentional mix of people in housing co-ops, which contrasts with many types of community housing. From a first home through to retirement, co-operative communities remain a popular choice for long term residents.

CEHL co-op models

CEHL has two types of co-op models

Common Equity Rental Housing Co-operative (CERC):

CERC housing co-operatives lease properties from CEHL.

Co-ops manage tenancy and maintenance, under the direction of the co-operative’s Board of Directors.

The co-op is the rental provider.

Community Managed
Co-operatives (CMC):

CEHL manages the tenancies and maintenance for CMC housing co-operative properties.

Co-ops are involved in member selection and members participate in the co-op community.

CEHL is the rental provider.

Benefits of housing co-operatives

Housing co-operatives offer many advantages, both for their members and the communities they’re a part of.

Benefits for members:

Benefits for members:

Is a housing co-operative the right fit for you?

Living in a housing co-operative can be a great fit for some people, but it might not suit everyone. Co-operatives rely on active members, and ask that prospective members consider these two main aspects:

Active participation:

For a housing co-operative to succeed, every member is required to engage in its management and operation actively. This entails a significant commitment of time and effort.

Here’s what it involves:

Living in a community:

Living in a housing co-operative offers a unique sense of community and shared living, which can sometimes involve a bit more collaboration and interconnectedness compared to other housing options. This is because it often involves being around other members regularly, actively participating in managing the co-op as a whole, and making collective decisions about management-related matters.

Here’s what it requires:

How to apply for co-op housing

Housing co-op members enjoy long-term tenancies, affordable rent and are part of a supportive community.