Question and Answers
Why is any third schedule maintenance costing us so much, and why is the standard of work performed so poor that trades must be requested to return to make things right?
Asked by Central City CERC:
CEHL conducted 120+ training sessions across 64 co-ops last financial year.
78% were delivered face-to-face through the Co-op Development Coordinators (CDC) and 22% of sessions were delivered via phone or online, providing flexibility and accessibility for members to attend.
The most common form of face-to-face training is one-on-one sessions between a co-op board member and the CDC. The sessions help board members understand their roles and responsibilities and foster strong leadership and governance within co-ops.
Quarterly New Member Induction sessions are held for new members. The next session is scheduled for Monday, 10th February 2024, at 6pm.
Why is any third schedule maintenance costing us so much, and why is the standard of work performed so poor that trades must be requested to return to make things right?
Asked by Central City CERC
In FY24, CEHL invested $5.7 million in property upgrades across its portfolio.
The 2024 member and renter survey reported a 21% increase in member and renter satisfaction with maintenance and repairs.
462 co-op members who responded to the survey had maintenance or repairs completed in the past year, and 82% reported being satisfied or very satisfied with the work.
When will funding for more houses be available?
Asked by Goulburn Valley CERC
CEHL applies for all relevant State and Federal funding opportunities to deliver more homes. We are preparing applications for State funding to build more than 200 new homes. CEHL will also apply for the next round of Federal funding when it is announced in January.
Are the policies still going out to Co-ops for approval, before Board approval?
Asked by Eastern View CERC
The CEHL Board has approved a consultation framework to ensure appropriate and effective consultation for policy changes and other significant decisions.
Recently, co-ops were consulted on two key policies – property allocation to co-ops and the exemption of the income of under 18 y/o household members from the assessment of household income.
If you have any suggestions for policy reviews, please talk to your CDC or email
Housing prices are falling in Ballarat. How is CEHL going to address this in fixing minimum and maximum rents in the next financial year?
Asked by Central City
Maximum rents are determined by reference to the private rental market, not sale prices.
CEHL engages a qualified independent valuer to assess the market rental of each property based on similar properties in the area.
Why do we need to change auditors?
Asked by Central City CERC
CEHL’s previous auditor, PKF, has provided services since 2014.
It is good governance to change auditors and gain a fresh perspective.
Grant Thornton was selected after a detailed selection process that considered experience, sector knowledge, fees, and value-added services.